"If your photographs aren't good enough, you aren't getting close enough." Robert Capa

"When everything is said and done, when everything has gone, the photograph is what's going to remain. The photographer is the producer of history."
Nat Finklestein

"We are all here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that death will tremble to take us."
Charles Bukowski

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Lighting Techniques

These little beauties are the result of a couple of collaborations between myself and the soon to be well known, Mr. James Hawley - check out his blog if you haven't already. Sadly I cannot claim these images as my own, the composition, framing and any post production are the product of Jay's skills; the lighting, however, is most certainly mine. The first two images are from a shoot done specifically for a Uni brief that Jay and I are currently undertaking, the second two are the result of a somewhat serendipitous event as unbeknown to either of us, we both answered an advert from a Spanish Guitar student from the Leeds College of Music, looking for promotional material. I have included these two sets as an example of two very different lighting set-ups that I am becoming familiar with. Enjoy.

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