A sunny afternoon, an abandoned house and a wired model.... not as sinister as it sounds....
I recently found a spare role of 120 film left over from one of last term's projects, tucked away at the back of my random tat drawer. As I seem to be in a really pleasant period of frenetic creativity at the minute, I couldn't stand to spend the weekend without making something. Borrowing my trusty comrade's vintage medium format camera and ensnaring another poor soul, on the tail end of a two day bender, into modeling for me, I set off to a local abandoned property.
These images were shot 6x6 on an old Yashica-Mat TLR. The film stock is Ilford FP4 Plus but it was push processed by around a stop and a half in order to create a certain amount of contrast compression. This little selection were all light metered by eye (probably the thing that I am most proud of) and are lit entirely with available light; no flash fills or reflectors.
Much love and gratitude to my friend Kinky for coming out to do this.